Monday, November 9, 2009

No Subject

I am getting sick, damnit.

My nose is stuffy and my skin hurts. My hair follicles hurt. My throat hurts and my joints hurt. But I feel better when Sis insists on sleeping on my floor and all my stuff circulates my bed, stepping on pillows and cracking CD cases just to go to the bathroom or whatever.

I had an interesting dream last night. There is this woman at work who is so pretty... she has long black hair and pretty eyes and pale skin... She transferred here from Livermore! ... to live with her boyfriend. Haha, but she's really hot and the girl in my dream totally resembled her plus this other hottie from my Botany class who has long black hair too, but olive skin and brown eyes... and a boyfriend, haha.

A hot shower will feel nice.
I need to get some wheat grass and such before we head over to my friend's class to study for the test on Wednesday. FUCK I HAVE AN ONLINE TEST TO TAKE I MUST CHECK

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