Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hi my name is Queen B and I only befriend people who I am superior to!

Bailey, I'm sorry about your bike...

Last night me and Taren and Shayna drove to San Diego to see Music For Animals, and it was pretty fun. Their set was ridiculously short, but we got to tell them that we love them and they told us about a show at El Rio on the 21... I really want to go up and make a turnaround trip, but I need to save money. I completely forgot about Christmas presents... just for my mom, dad, sister, and grandpa. Who knows what I'll get them.

I feel like I have a lot to write but I don't know where to begin.

School is stressing me out... I can either take it easy for another year to move out or I can bust my ass and move out sooner... both are appealing and for different reasons. Sometimes I think too much and I daydream about things that will never ever happen. I have a crush on a boy. I don't have school on Monday. I have to study for a test on Wednesday. I have a paper to write for Tuesday. I have math homework to do. I have to work Sunday too.

To the title/subject: I feel like I have a wholesome support group at the moment... I remember when I first moved back I felt so alone and... alone. There are people around now that give me fluffy warmth and equality and feedback and interest and open mindedness and respect and trust (for now)... something maybe I haven't felt in a while. The superficial in relationships at the moment is at an all time low, and it makes me happy. So, I'm happy that I don't have to be dealing with false friends and vicious facetiousness and manipulation and tests; or maybe my paranoia has died down a bit. I feel a little fried at the moment, I feel like I've been getting drunk a lot and smoking too many cigarettes (damnit) and weed of course. I love weed...

Those people just said my name and they know about me and are talking about me but I don't know who they are or why they are doing this. Why does anyone care that much?
Only the right side of my face is breaking out.
I bought new shoes.
I started my period meaning I won't have it when we go camping (yes).
My hands are so dry from this wind and such.
My brain and heart are mush.

I don't know what else.

Oh, I got made fun of for being bi... and then I became legitimately upset :/

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