Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh that's an ending that I can't write, 'cause I've got you to let me down.

I love that Strokes line...

I got a D in math...

Maybe the next time I'll get a C...

F to D to C.

I've been looking into plausible future and it doesn't seem so bad. Back to last night with Jen and her brother, we parked by a tree and Jen swore that there was an earthquake and I said that if there was that she and I would probably die if that huge tree fell down on us, and Mike would live. And then Jen said, "Think about it as a big hug." and I said, "I don't want to be conscious through that pain... I'd rather die peacefully like drowning." and then Mike said "What the hell!?!?"

Sometimes I think I'm just fine because I'm not hopeless to things, except sex.
In my Psych class, a nymphomaniac was identified as someone who needs/wants 6-7 orgasms a week. In that case...

My mom woke me up at quarter to seven IN THE MORNING to yell at me. Well, it was actually earlier than that because she was yelling at Nikki across the hall and then she came into my room and yelled at me for forgetting her anniversary and then not speaking to her. And I said that I'm mad at her because she thinks I drink too much. And then it ended by me saying "I'M ASLEEP RIGHT NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SAY."

I can't believe I failed math :(

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