Thursday, October 8, 2009


I love when people will talk and talk about what they think they know about, even when they don't. Like when they sit to philosophize about obvious things, oxymorons and such. But how am I to know if they really don't know what they are talking about - if and only if they are talking about something I happen to know about, and it is frankly incorrect. Excessive talking and advocacy are signs of guilt or disobedience to oneself - excessive being the term, of course talking and advocacy are necessary - also flattery. Some people are compassionless and do not have a guilty conscience, pushing down their wrongdoings or contradictory actions and words and opinions from one sentence to the next, hiding their vulnerability and passive aggressive nature. Lying is also present in the demeanor. I remember going so far as to not lie about any one thing, at all, to ensure myself a positive place, but people don't like that. People are used to being lied to or fucked over so they misinterpret an honest person as lame or substance-less. Sometimes lying to someone else can be funny, but it's also a superficial kind of funny. Because think about all the other funny things that are happening, yet you chose to spotlight your and maybe one other person of your choice's significance to society and/or importance, intelligence...

I have also noticed somewhat recently the gilded race with marijuana. There are some people out there who identify themselves with the fact that they like to get hiigh and smoke weed, meaning, to an innocent victim of this new lifestyle, that the age old stoner knows much more than this little kid will ever know. It's a race to see who can smoke the most and get the least high, in some cases. When I find myself around people like that it makes me very uncomfortable, and slips me into the nodding, and saying "Yeah..." every once in a while, so they can spill their importance and I can sit their and ignore it, because I feel like I've heard it a thousand times. And all those people who say they have their life figured out are the ones who are the most lost... the ones who get angry at someone who questions them and their life choices are the ones that have no clue behind what it is they are doing.

"Doubt no the one who argues, but the one who dodges." - i forget

Arrogance is ignorance. Ignorance is bliss.

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