Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hally Happoween!

"The search for answers is not a comfort-seeking ritual, but becomes instead a desperate, obsessive self-destructive quest that makes you feel like at least you're trying now." - From "Kids Like Caty" - This statement agrees with me... it helps me relax just a little bit.

Today is a huge day for some people, but for me it feels like yesterday, which feels like two weeks ago, which feels like last year. I'm on the closing shift tonight - maybe after I will go to T's and do some coke? Haha, I was offered last night and declined but today is an evil day to some, so why not act as devilishly as possible for the sake of holiday cheer?

This weekend was bunk - I did not try my hardest to study on my 4 days off - instead, I walked my doggie a lot and smoked a lot of weed. I sort of wish I didn't but yesterday I woke up feeling depressed. I woke, fed Sisyphus and pat him on the head, then I returned to my bed with the goal of staying submerged, undressed, and unshowered for as long as possible. It didn't work because some little voice inside me told me to suck it up and that I really wasn't depressed but extremely lazy and angsty. So I got up and took him to the park for a little stroll alongside trails by a "river" smelling of bleach and waste. The day before we went to the "Bark Park" for the first time. As a new parent, I was quite protective of Sis running around with out a leash and with out my supervision, but as I scanned the park, it wasn't so big and all the other dogs were off leashes joyfully prancing and smelling asses, so I let him have it.

Then this dog entered the gates with a rather douche bag-looking owner with a blonde afro (in a bad way) and I'm assuming Tevas (Bailey I'll give him yo number next time I see him). Sis went up to greet the damn thing when it decided to be territorial of the PUBLIC DOG PARK and start a fight with Sis! Silent and covering my eyes, I finally got up to stand next to douche and watch the fight closely. His dog started it. HE bit Sisyphus in the mouth!!!! :( but Sis stood his ground and let loose his enormous bark that sounds far away even when you are close to him, and the dogs gave it a rest. Like a weirdo I said, "Sisyphus! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" and he came over! I almost started laughing but instead I started crying (haha) as Sis came back to our little home base under a tree, and sat down, exhausted, from all the recent excitement. I lay my head down on his shoulders and let a few tears of relief seep out for Taren's entertainment. Poor Sissy... Sometimes I worry about his obedience and what level my dominance should be regulated at, but it's very minute. He's a bit stubborn and has very selective hearing, but he might listen when he feels like your request is appropriate. I think Sisyphus and Apollo could be pals :)

As of now I have two and a half hours before I have to leave for work. Should I mope, or should I apply to schools? Should I walk the dog? I could do all of them if I stop writing right now... but I feel a flow. Now it is time to pinch the hose.

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