Friday, July 31, 2009

'Cause it's all I have...

Everything I need and want isn't mine. It is scattered about the planet, underneath rocks and at sea bottoms and mountain peaks. Why don't they understand that?

"I'm just trying to figure out why you're so fucking crazy." - The one and only sister I have.

It's just a tiff right, nothing to worry about, nothing to fight for, nothing to think to much about.
I'm over this. I've tried way too hard this whole time and for absolutely nothing.
I think I've ruined my self-image to her forever, I think I've finally lost myself and may never get it back. All I have are an average of 2.5 other people [(non-family members) interchangeable] and domesticated animals.

I can't see or feel the line between either this or this... I don't even know what the two sides are... I thought there wasn't supposed to be sides? Isn't she supposed to be the one person that is there for me? ESPECIALLY if (the situation:) I'm going to a show in La Jolla and POSSIBLY meeting a girl I've been talking to over the internet for about a month now.

This is so utterly pointless it fucking kills me.
The word crazy comes to mind. They all think I'm god damn crazy.

It's official: I'm unhappy. But how am I going to fix it?
Cesar is picking me up to smoke right now. Temporary never meant never.

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