Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time is getting shorter

I have some friends back home, and I'm more than excited to see them. It's been years for some.

Right now I'm listening to Fugazi and it's.... amazing. To say the least. If only one more person was here next to me listening to the same, it'd be even more amazing. Sharing appreciation for things is nice. It's not even group philosophizing or arguing, it's appreciation, and shared happiness.

I've gotten to an apathetic point, worse than autopilot. I tried sleeping away my morning and now I have only one hour before work. Hours of sleep not fully permitted......

A summer full of sleep, and empty of responsibility and pay awaits me in t-minus a month and a half? I was thinking about quitting Trader Joe's altogether, but that would probably be a horrible move. But oh, the satisfaction that would follow that...

Two loves at Coachella this weekend, bth of which called me on the set of Paul McCartney. I'd fucking die and cry and shit my pants if I was there. I'll probably never be able to see him perform :(

Dude. Fugazi.

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