Sunday, April 12, 2009

Have you had a realization is the past 24 hours?

One of the most interesting of birthdays. A spontaneous celebration of the dearest of friends and people in my life at the moment. Jumbled towers, amazing game.

I ate a shroom and fell into my head. It's where I've been lately, a bit harder to explain.

I can't even begin to sort out my true thoughts. I feel like I've made a three hundred and sixty degree turn - back to where I came from. The only joy I can find in these beautiful sunny days are in music and art - none of which

With every yawn I excrete acceptance for the hatred in the world. I don't know what one would call it.
The mushroom

it seems like everyone around me is saying and talking about everything that's going on inside my head. i feel crazy

i feel obligated to so many things, I've been thinking about suicide lately, about the meaning of life and


(ew this is weird I haven't IMed in a long time) um. so iate my shroom tonight and i wonder why there are just somet things i can't seem to wrap my mind around. like communication and technology. and journalism. journalism is the media, and the media is biasped bullshit,a dn i'd be writing and contributiong for and to that. equals brainwashing. i want to drop out of school and live a free life. i hate all this exclusive bullshit and grading schemes and shit. i feel paranoid. i feel insecure and vulnerable. i feel like i don't know what i wnt and everyone else out there wants something they can't have. but i want soemthing i can have but i refuse to let it happen. it's totally possible to be on good terms with my family (all memebrs of) and be mature and accepting about everything, all at one. but i'm not mature alone or to begin with.

i want to returnto animal tendencies and refelxes. school and work is too structured for me, i want to be young and innocent and wild fort he rest of my life

somethine about instant messaging,
it's acutally a valid form of communication, between friends, of course....
i should go now.

back to reality.

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