Friday, August 27, 2010

Everything in my body says not tonight, everything in my body says no.

A couple months ago, actually more than that ago, when I had bronchitis, I ran into my high school Spanish teacher Mr. Juell, in the elevator at the doctor's office. He was paralyzed from the waist down, in a wheel chair and half his face was droopy but not from a stroke, but Guillain Barre. It's a neurological sort of AIDs, where your immune system attacks itself but your limbs and such are out of control, something. I had it as a child and all I remember was a tingly feeling in half my body making it hard for me to walk. Anyway, he was FUCKED UP. When I saw him, he had just gotten into the wheel chair and out of the bed for about two weeks, unable to sleep but and only able to scream and cry from the agonizing pain from doing nothing. Aside from talking about that, he and his cute wife with braces asked me how I was doing, what I was doing about school and so forth. At that moment I was contemplating dropping out of school, it was last semester, I remember now. They suggested that I don't do that because I'll just regret it later. I guess I'm glad that I didn't. If I were to move out to a cute little house in Fullerton and work my ass off just to get drunk and have a good time every night, I would surely slip into abuse again. I guess keeping busy keeps me away from that sort of settlement.

Anyway, I ran into Mr. Juell AGAIN at work yesterday! (I wasn't even supposed to be there that day!!!) And I was on my lunch break, I had just clocked out, but we talked for about fifteen minutes. He bought all the items I told him were good, haha. He's so nice. He was a Spanish-speaking missionary in some country in South America or maybe Mexico. He's a total dork. Found out he has hypOthyroidism and they thought he had cancer for a second there, I remember that actually. But he's been mobile for about five months now. He said he just keep getting better and better each day. He said that it shouldn't be much of a problem unless it starts "hurting relationships" hmm....

I've been living my life day by day, they get shorter and shorter when you have things to do. I also feel like I've been embracing every minute while not checking the time every second. The day goes by a lot faster and it seems less stressful though, when I plan my day out hour by hour... spend two hours doing this and that... it's easier for me to keep the important things constantly on my mind like a draw card, when I'm ready, or when I happen to have a surprise two hour period of no plans, I can fill it with something important or necessary. Unlike right now, when I woke up early enough to start writing my non-fiction, I made coffee and watched the Cooking Channel (not the Food Network*) and now I have 14 minutes until I have to take a shower.
Nikki took my car for some reason at 7am and she needs to be back by one cause I have to work at 130........ useless info.

Last night I went to Burger Records for the movie night. I missed the first one, but the second one was some old Clint Eastwood Western. For some reason I had this pulling sensation in my brain, as if telling me to think about someone or something because of this movie. But I just thought of it... that one guy whose name was also Clint. The aspiring author, musician, artist, sensitive brain eater of the picking coy variety.

After the movie we, me and 7 other peoples went to the Brea Dam in the early morning to throw golf balls up the incline of the giant storm drain/ parking lot where no cars are allowed to park/ massive roller blading arena/ concrete slab. The echo wall. Clapping goes on forever, we howled like wolves, or coyotes if you will. The houses are far enough away that we could be pretty loud. The closer you got to the edge, you can feel the change in gravity and the second you bounce the golf ball it leans back down to the grassy area at the end of the concrete. The moon was a lop sided oval, too bright to look at, and it faded some stars. The sky was a grayish purple with a red exterior ring from the "city" lights. No clouds. We also found some hells bells, near a sign that read: "Caution. Infested fruit, do not eat." So I picked one, it's on the dresser. Wow, completely wilted. I'll post a picture. Smells like gardenias, my Mom's favorite flower. I haven't seen my mom since Tuesday.

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

"They never understand the way I walk, and you know it's the way I talk that keeps me from knowing when I should see the things you're showing me" - Lifetime

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