Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another update...

I just got back form my doctor's appointment with Endocrinology. It went fine... so guess what they told me to stop doing? Smoking pot - apparently it suppresses the pituitary gland, which signals the thyroid about the TSH levels which I have high levels of. Since the pituitary gland releases hormones based on the TSH levels, in order for everything to be regulated with out influence, I must stop smoking pot for just a couple months so further tests can be taken, measured to see if I really even have this disorder/disease. The nodules I have won't even be touched until 6 weeks when I have more blood work done. This concept does not seem to be out of wack, or completely and utterly ridiculous, but actually seems like a good plan because of course, the palpitations occur most frequently and intensely when I smoke weed, a major symptom for hyperthyroidism. All the other symptoms, hunger, wacky moods and hormones are symptoms of the hyper thyroid... but also of chronic marijuana usage, no?

Along with this prognosis I was also issued a low iodine diet meaning I can eat basically nothing. No salt. No dairy. No red dye. No soy. No sushi. No turkey. But veal? <- fuck that. But hot dogs? <- fuck that too. But egg whites <- I can do that. No ketchup or mustard. No liver or other organ meats... thank God.

Anywho, she said to try my best on this low iodine diet, not NO iodine diet. In two weeks I'll have another "scan," whatever that means, and in six weeks I'll have more blood tests. So yay for not dying at the moment.


In other news, I am hungry and don't know what to eat. My class starts at 11:30 and parking is going to be just a ball. I am not so worried about this treatment process because I have noticed changes in hormones due to smoking pot in the past... I feel a weight lifted...

*Fun Fact*
I have two symmetrical swollen thyroid nodules, and two symmetrical under-the-skin cysts on my 'majoras. WOoooWeeeEE . Both mean nothing, but perhaps add a little, as my co-worker would say that I have that he likes, PIZZAZ.

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