Friday, January 22, 2010

"My ribs have parted ways, said, 'We're not going to protect this heart you have.'"

A lot of cosmic coincidences... Some not as happy or should we say fortunate as others. I think this guy is cute, then I find out that he thinks I'm cute - hell yeah! I feel like I can't write too much to avoid jinxing it... I have been feeling very up and alive lately, but I can't tell if it's because I'm not depressed, or if it's because I'm numb... I can't understand if I'm happy. I feel like all these things have been happening too easily for me to accept, and yesterday, the whole day felt like a long dream. I was on autopilot the whole day, not shy, not over thinking much, and acting very impulsively. I'm listening to my favorite album right now.

I have so many thoughts running ramped (which is not spelled "rampid") in my head, so many possibilities for great things and yet I continue to stay confused, deceived, distracted... In Philosophy right now, we are reading Decartes' Meditations... and I always trip out when reading philosophy - these thoughts I've had before are suddenly typed out in the page, articulated, simplified, and analyzed... when I had denied the foundation of these falsities before, about a year ago, have begun to rebuild the crumbled rock which my house was destroyed... The evil demon is so present, I have denied god and have contemplated Satanism, because it makes more sense somehow, that instead of having an all-good-all-the-time entity, there i an all-deceiving-all-the-time entity... Meditation III. I feel like, if was skeptical to all this philosophy, like Decartes advises, I would lock myself up somewhere only to work on all these problems which have been answered, some not fully because it is impossible, but I would philosophize all these things that have already been philosophized, and then If i found that out I would probably kill myself.

crickets sang in the night, distracting me from my work! I shall stomp all of them, those somehow nonexistent physical bodies that are so familiar even in my dreams, must be real...

I think, therefore I am.
I sense, therefore I exist.

But the senses deceive you... then are you not to trust even one thing that has cheated you once? If that's the case, then we'd all be alone... but all alone is all we are...

The mind is outside our brain, it has no geographical location, like heaven.
We think with our brain but our brain is not our mind. It's somewhere up there (raise your hands and wave them), around there some where.


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