Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hello! We've been having San Francisco weather down here, and I love it. I ran in the rain yesterday going back to my car after my classes, then I had to drive though a river down State College, lightning every so often. Then at night I went with Vanessa to Sean's show ( I don't know how he spells his name) and his band is a garage punk band named Cum Stain, awesome, right? Who does that anymore? And for those of you who love punk rock... the music was great too, along with the performance. Singer in a leather jacket and whitey tighties, laughing like a psycho and dancing like an idiot. It was glorious. The next band blew my mind, it was probably the best show I've been to in a while. They were called Death Hymn I believe, and it was just two guys playing thrashy folk punk. The drummer on a 5 piece, playing with his arms, crossing over and doing all this fancy shit, just two cymbals, and the guitarist, in a chair stomping his feet and standing up and movin' all over the place... vocals the occasional "WOO!" and "One, Two, Three, FAH!" And let's not forget that they dressed up as zombies before they played... I was in heaven maybe. Beautiful people everywhere plus that one Asian guy from Dusty Rhodes, the shorter one that looks like he has Downs, heh.

A good night. Vanessa drove me back to my car and I got to sit next to a cute boy in the back seat, who said that the cigarette I gave him kicked his ass.

Now I have to drive to Westminster to buy my art supplies.... yay. But I was just on Facebook looking at this girl's drawings, life drawings, and they were... amazing. Fucking amazing. There is no way I could ever be that good, that takes an insane amount of patience that I think I am just not capable of. But it was so beautiful. I can't wait to start drawing though. I can't wait to be the worst one in class... I can't wait to leave Philosophy and then go draw for three hours thinking about what we just talked about... maybe smoke weed on the break, as you advised, Bailey. You might be calling you for directions to the roof haha. And I would like to make friends with the otherwie scary looking dude, who I of course think is drop dead sexy. Tattoos up this neck to his face with a lip ring and eye implants, I don't know what you would call them. But his name is Josh I think, he was petitioning which is cute. This means I have to start charging and using my iPod shuffle again... Wow, I think it's in my glove box even still. This music is making me so happy right now. Why is it that I feel happy the more obviously alone I become?

There was this girl petitioning my Philosophy class that I've met before, a few times, and even went camping with her and she refused to make eye contact with me. I thought it funny, I even know her name and shit. I tried to say something but she had a stink face which made me smile even more. Then we started talking about the vast universe and my smile got even larger. I wish I could take that yoga class with you Ashley! If I lived up there I would just go everyday with you and pretend like I was in the class. Hehehhehehehehhehehehhehehehuhuehf;eh489 3f wr'womdkmvdpOvdajfiue

Vanessa and I talked a little more about Santa Rosa. She is going to school in Paris this summer (I KNOW RIGHT) for photography and will be back in late August. So I will be in charge of this thing I think. We will be able to keep in touch via internet and then, maybe move right when she gets back. She is adamant about not returning to the area when she gets back from Europe. Brittany on the other hand may get sick of my nagging... That's ok though, 'cause I'll be gone.

So today I'm dropping my history class, getting my parking pass and my little sticker for the math lab, and going to the art store, coming home to do lots of reading and studying, and then math homework. It's already starting... but for some reason I feel prepared and excited and what not.

Except my room is a mess and I should have spent the time writing this cleaning it up. But I just had to tell you.

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