Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Whoa how am I already signed in?

I am trippin, I smoked a bowl and I have to leave for work in thirty minutes and I hope I'm not all stoney at work. I don't think I'll be, but really, if I am, I can handle the anxiety for seven hours and then I'll be off work and had been paid to suppress my worries and frustration and opinions to the establishment. Damn the establishment! Damn all you two facers! If we must let us be drones at the establishment as long as we can go crazy outside of it. I'm talking mostly about authority figures. Don't give us a chance to be friends unless we absolutely must! And think of how great that would be in and of itself.

You can accomplish anything through lucid dreaming... so let's all go back to sleep and have adventures and share them.

Now I have to leave in twenty-seven minutes. Maybe I should sleep it... that's a good idea.

Everything is ok everything is fine! Didn't have the patience didn't have the time! Well, I thought I would make it half way down the line! That's totally wrong and I actually forget how the song goes and tried to place words to the remembered instrumentals, instead of knowing the verse and forgetting how the song starts. It's always one or the other right?! NO IN BETWEEN. Come on, that wasn't a word? Inbetween. LOLLLLL

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