Monday, February 8, 2010


You could say I've been bingeing on the ganja.

I feel like when I talk to someone or whatever, that I automatically trust them for example my new co workers. God damnit I always mix my personal life with my work life and then all these things that could be TMI otherwise and it lets people KNOW! Like, shit about me. LIke yeah, I need to not do that shit, because it always turns bad. Why do I confide in people like my colleagues, or I could even ask why do I confide in the establishment or whatever. My employer should not be notified that I smoke weed! They do not need to know anything at all! But why does it happen! I feel like I am dreaming with automatic responses to questions but then my imagination verbalizes and I don't really recognize what I am even saying to this person, who just, really shouldn't know that I smoke weed or that I like both or that I am doing this and that in school or my opinion on anything! Or anything about my life, until I trust them.
Dude - again, my work is failing me or I am failing my work!!!!!!!!!!!! The work place I mean. Or go ahead and pile in school too fuck that, and socializing, and fashion, and the other green burdens.... Burdens don't have to be green, though. I am so hating my job right now. But what other job can I get? Should I get a shitty ass other job? Wah...

What if the whole ideological purpose, that makes no sense, or purpose of direction of Santeria is/was ( I guess we could assume it to be dead? That's kind of fucked up, but it's probably not going to make a come back, and it will necessarily be as dead a religion/culture as the ancient Egyptians. Why do I feel I can't keep a job?)
The underlying notion of Santeria is to deceive the Catholics that were in charge of the slaves, who forced Catholicism upon them. Yes, I completely lost my point... anyways, deceiving is bad, because often times we deceive ourselves in habitual ways and it will slowly make its way to an ideological strength, this deceiving notion (that is so gibber jabber-fucking-y and there's a book or something, or maybe just a term I think that labels all philosophical terms like deceiving notion because they sound and are so vague)
Anyway, I almost forgot that I have mother fucking school tomorrow.
Think about the song that Adam Sandler sings in the Wedding Singer when he's on the stage playing guitar and Drew's all chipper watching him perform. That song right now hahahaha
I kinda miss CCSF!
Is it just me(stupid question) or hhahahahahha

I can't finish. I have to sleep god damnit.
gawd. damnit.
gawd damnit.

My art teacher always threatens me with the Russian old man and always says, "You're sitting next to a Russian, you know."

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