Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I really shouldn't be doing this...

I should be studying. But I really can't study. I have no excuse really... But fuck man. I just can't study. I strongly feel that it is stupid to be required to take math and science when it may have nothing to do with your major. Like really. All these terms and shit and formulas and whatnot do not apply to my major, or my job after my major. It makes me sad to think that I will do poorly in these classes because I simply cannot get myself to be interested in motherfucking algebra or the science behind plants. Don't get me wrong, I love plants and all... but all the terms just seem a bit unnecessary for me to MEMORIZE. Mow :(

The internet is distracting me and giving me a headache! And I will cover it up in the morning with coffee and my eyes are burning right now but I can't sleep. But when I close them it feels so nice and I think well maybe I'll be able to this time. But then my stomach starts to arbitrarily grumble even though I had food, and a good amount of it to prevent a grumbling tummy. But HelloOWOOO what is up at the moment? All I can seem to focus on is tomorrow. Today is over but it's not ready to be over and I am forcing it to be over.

Ew my friend just described the "real world" as working for a living. It's sad... that that is the "truth," but it's really so far from the ultimate truth...

Is it not ignorant to ask, "How can you live your life in such ignorance?"

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