Thursday, March 19, 2009

Some one said it...

"Destined to die unsatisfied."

I read it somewhere but I can't remember. It's an accurate description of my late moods. I've been kind of a book worm lately, truly! It's actually awesome because I've never read many books before the last few months. On the commute, my nose is in a book 'cause I never charge my i pod.
Using room mate's computers is tedious, I've been "using my resources" at the library however . (god bless ccsf!) I'm halfway done with Choke, and I've been taking notes.

Next semester I want to take life drawing and the Shakespeare class (drools).
I was happy today when I was reading chapter 5 in my anthropology book that alot of it was explaining stuff I learned in Symbolic Logic. I loved that class. I've had a headache all day today and I got my period today. But lately I've been diggin my periods ha ha.

My mind goes pretty scary places when it's thinkin' under the green shrubbery anymore. Cubbyhole mate and washroom sharer - gilded. I am bringing Clue back up here. See aslo: Mrs. White.
See also: Yellow Ranger
See also: Bianca - Taming of the Shrew. (i stole that see also from cp)

I added text to my collage that says, "Clear as a bell, and no one can tell." It's from this one poem that was actually published in the real "Liberated Space" magazine of the Haight in 1975. Anwyay, the title isn't in my head but I know I have it written down somewhere. Post I shall.
I can't think of what to write right now. I see him every week and I just enjoy our ten-minute-if-that coversations. It's pretty awesome and puts me in a good mood. Ew. And when I go home I will see the other him. I cannot guarentee that what must'nt happen will. Hopefully that day I will choose to respect myself.
Some one said it...

I can't think of any thing else to say.

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