Monday, March 1, 2010

Let's start with a quote shall, we? Hey my name is tatiana

"Two things fill the mind with new and increasing admiration and awe... the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me." - Immanuel Kant
I think it's weird that he referred to "the mind" and himself?

Which makes me think of... "Did you ever realize why there are no stars in the sky? Because they're on the ground, the air is brown." - Tsunami Bomb

This reading is harder than the others. So I decided to wait until the last two hours before class to read it.

I am high. I've been smoking with someone lately who doesn't really smoke weed, and he can't get high apparently, or didn't tonight. My tummy hurts.

I feel a little crude lately. Uh oh!

sotner eyes?

drunk eyes?

I'm high.

Why does everything have to cost money?
freeloader: A worthless, lazy, opportunist bumb who takes advantage of people and thinks they should get everything on a silver platter without earning it. If he has a girlfriend, he probably sits at home all day without a job and mooches money and things off her with the excuse, “I’ll pay you back later, baby, when things improve.” She keeps giving him more money because she is nieve, has low self-esteem and too spineless to stand up to him and kick him out. On the other hand, if the freeloader is a female she is probably a spoiled, stuck-up b***h who lives at home and gets money from mommy and daddy while sitting on the can all day eating Bon Bons and watching soaps.

Being a freeloader is learned behavior because people keep giving them things without saying no. "

Thanks, UrbanDictionary.

I can't even begin to think....

(_8(I) <(^^<) <(^^)> (>^^)> <( )> (I)_8) hhhhHhaha (I)8-) lol!

i mean


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