Friday, May 28, 2010

8 >

At the moment I have a slight head ache, and Sisyphus are comfortably sharing my bed. For once, one isn't pushing the other off. He breaks my heart.

I miss Ringo. I didn't ever think he'd leave... I took him for granted which is what makes me really sad. At least we didn't see anything bad, that would be worse, right? He's so fucking fluffy and cute I miss him ;( I hope he didn't suffer. If he's not dead, I hope he comes back.....

Summer is here, yesterday I had my last final and I feel this unrelenting freeness inside. I feel enthusiastic for something... Sometimes if I don't think too much words escape, the right words or the words needed at the time to collect what I need or want. If I think too much about what to say or what to intend or something, perhaps the exact opposite consequence occurs...

I have to learn how to make decisions and stop living in an either/or dichotomy. I feel word-soupy and fried.

I was falling asleep sitting up last night in a dark room full of blurry faces, but I didn't care. I kept smiling and squinting my eyes. I couldn't move. Kind of hate when that happens, but I just rode it out.

Horrible responsibility. Fuck all these people!

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